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An Introduction to Christianity for AP World History

Sep 27, 2023

2 min read




Religion shapes the daily lives of individuals, but it also shapes the events of history. If you are going to understand the events of world history, then you need to know about the world religions. This page will teach you the basics of Christianity for AP World History. Click through the slides to read about Christianity. At the end, there is a short video to watch too!

Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus of Nazareth was a Jewish teacher who claimed to be the Messiah. Jews had been waiting for the arrival of the Messiah for nearly two thousand years.

Jesus taught about devotion to God and love for others. Roman leaders charged Jesus with treason and crucified him in 30 CE. Treason is a crime against one’s country.

Early Christianity

Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead after he died from the crucifixion. Forty days later, he ascended into heaven to be with God.

The first Christians were Jews who followed the teachings of Jesus. At first, it was illegal to be a Christian. However, Christianity continued to grow and spread.

In 312, the Roman Emperor Constantine became a Christian and made Christianity the main religion of Rome.

Beliefs of Christianity

  1. based on the Old and New Testaments of the Bible

  2. Jesus of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) is the Son of God

  3. forgiveness of sins and everlasting life are only achieved through the divinity, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ

  4. a personal and sovereign (supreme ruling) God made the world in perfection, but humans have fallen from harmony with God’s will

  5. people must seek to know God, worship God, and practice love and service to others

Big Ideas About Christianity

  1. It appealed to women and lower social classes because it emphasized compassion, grace, and eternal life regardless of personal circumstances.

  2. By 400 CE, Christianity was the most influential religion in the Mediterranean basin.

  3. After it became the Roman Empire’s official religion in 380 CE, Christianity stretched throughout and even beyond the bounds of the empire.

  4. Christianity became tied closely to empires.

World Religions

Want more information about the world religions you need to know about for the AP World History exam? Check out the links below!







Unit 1:The Global Tapestry

AP World History

Introduction to Christianity for AP World History

#APWorldHistory #Christianity #WorldReligions

Sep 27, 2023

2 min read





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