An Introduction to Hinduism for AP World History
Sep 27, 2023
2 min read
Religion shapes the daily lives of individuals, but it also shapes the events of history. If you are going to understand the events of world history, then you need to know about the world religions. This page will teach you the basics of Hinduism for AP World History. Click through the slides to read about Hinduism. At the end, there is a short video to watch too!
Brahma the Creator
Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. It is over 4,000 years old. Because it is so old, we don’t know who started the religion.
Hindus believe in one supreme force called Brahma the creator. All of the Hindu gods are manifestations of Brahma. For example, Vishnu is the preserver, and Shiva is the destroyer. They also believe the caste system came from Brahma, with different castes originating from various parts of his body. People couldn’t change their castes during their lifetimes, but your choices and behavior in this life determined the caste of your next life.
Beliefs of Hinduism
if you behave well and follow the dharma (rules and obligations) of your caste, you will keep moving toward unification with Brahma
if you do not behave well and follow the dharma of your caste, you will move down in the caste system
cycle of rebirth continues until you achieve moksha, the highest state of being
the Vedas and the Upanishads are the holy books in Hinduism
Big Ideas About Hinduism
it is both a religion and a social system (caste system)
did not spread outside of India because it combines religious and social structures
Hinduism is still influential in India
some Hindus have started rebelling against the caste system
Buddhism came out of Hinduism.
World Religions
Want more information about the world religions you need to know about for the AP World History exam? Check out the links below!
Unit 1:The Global Tapestry
AP World History